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English Articles

How to insert 'google search option' in context menu of VSCode? Use VSCode extension I wanted to get context menu option which is similar in chrome. This option means like Search Google for 'dragged texts' The reason is, I did not want to copy and paste my code to a web-browser anymore. It is a hassle. To get what I wanted, I googled but got only some old results. My environment is Windows11 and VSCode 2023 version. This is the old one. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/318997..
Windows11, Tried to remove 'new bitmap image' from context menu (New) In context menu, New tab has always 'bitmap image', which makes a new bmp file. Many people tried to remove this from new tab. Failed solution #1 Somebody said the reg file, with the follwing content, is a solution. However it does not work in Win11. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 ; bmp file - remove Context menu, New entry. ; Save this file as *.reg then run [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.bmp\Shell..
Python solve partial of, SyntaxError: (unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position No1-No2: truncated \uXXXX escape I wanted to fix the problem that Python path is not recognized well. What I really wanted is to get any path(type str), fix it to a good path(type str). However, it is nearly impossible to make my solution. Nevertheles, I partially fixed some unicode escape problems using backslash+one-EN-alphabet. Actually, the top3 best solutions are to use rawstring-form like r'abs_path', change one-backslash..
(python) Unicode Decode Errors : subtypes specification Prologue Main python document says it may return error named Unicode Deocde Error. It did not specifically classified this error. I explain this as much as I know. Easiest solution to fix unicode decode error is to use different codecs. Try these start from left, which is ordered by usage. 'utf-8' 'latin-1' a.k.a 'ISO-8859-1' Windows ANSI codecs depend on your condition, basically 'cp1252' 'utf-..
how to make a shorter named function which is originally a long-named function It is simple. define another function with shorter name, and just run the original function and return the result. the following is an example of it. original function is named too long. make short-named function and call original function and return the result of it. it does not take that much time more. def a_function_which_is_too_long_to_use(in1, in2): res_orignial = in1 + in2 return(res_orig..